business success


January 22

Play Video Long before the calendar turned to 2021, I began to think about the things I want to accomplish this year. I love a new year. I love the feeling of having a clean slate and believing anything is possible.  But what pushes possible into probable?  I believe it all comes down to confidence. Just [...]


September 23

As COVID-19 pushes all businesses to work remotely, the real estate market has rapidly adjusted and shifted to virtually connecting to clients. The standard ‘physical’ open houses and meetings are on hold until further notice, and trends in technology are making it easier  for virtual meetings and home showings. As a real estate agent online, clients are [...]


September 20

Leadership: Is it born or bred? New Venture Escrow
Casey LeBlanc CEO | Investor | Entrepreneur Casey LeBlanc is the CEO of New Venture Escrow. He is a serial entrepreneur that has led several small to medium-sized businesses that have experienced rapid growth and scale. He is also a business development addict that thrives off of innovation and promotes healthy leadership.   I have [...]

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