As a listing agent, there are a number of tactics and techniques that will help you secure a listing. However, if you are new to the real estate business, it’s not uncommon to experience trouble when it comes to acquiring listings.
Luckily, you don’t have to go into the real estate market blind. Whether you need to know how to secure the listing in the first place, or you’re a seasoned agent who is just looking for tips on how to improve your success rate, you’ve come to the right place!
In this article, we will discuss some of the do’s and don’t’s of successfully securing a listing. First, discover why you might not be getting quality listings in the first place.
Why Aren’t You Getting Listings?
This is definitely on the list of an agent’s worst nightmare: not receiving listings! Oh, what a headache!
So, what gives? The reason could lie in the approach you are taking to secure a listing. For starters, let’s take a look at what you should NOT do if you want to push through and get better listings.
The ‘Do Nots’ Every Listing Agent Should Know
Generally, you want to avoid these practices as they can often lead to rejection. Remember that the real estate market is competitive and cutthroat, so you’ll want to really perfect your craft.
1. Don’t forget to send a pre-listing package
A pre-listing package is basically an all-encompassing resume for your potential clients to learn about you and your business.
Not only should you be sharing information about yourself to show your credentials, but you should also include information about the local market trends and any other insights that would be valuable to a client. This will prove to clients that you are organized and experienced.
2. Don’t ignore the client
This may seem obvious, but you want to be sure you are appealing to the client. Make sure all their important needs and concerns are heard and make sure you can work well with them.
This is a big commitment for clients to make, so they want to work with someone they can trust!
3. Don’t forget to put in the work!
No matter how many previous listings you’ve had or clients you’ve worked with, don’t forget the little details that are the difference makers. These few easy fixes can help score more points with potential clients and boost your listings.
Along with these big ‘no-nos,’ you will also want to follow these 6 do’s on how to secure the listing.
6 Expert Tips to Successfully Secure the Listing
Now, on to the dos of successfully securing the listing. Here are some ways to invest your time so that it pays off in a listing:
1. Add a personal touch- what makes you unique?
Clients want to work with someone who they feel listens to them and understands them. Think about what makes you unique from other listing agents. For instance:
- How can you let clients know you are different from your competition?
- Why should they choose you over anyone else?
- What makes you special, better, and/or more experienced?
Once you are able to add a personal stamp onto your services, people will start to recognize you as an individual rather than ‘just another agent.’
2. Networking, networking, and more networking
Here’s an age-old saying that can help you with this next step: It’s not about what you know- it’s about who you know.
Build up your network of professional and personal contacts, and you never know who might be able to get you in touch with a listing! Plus, the more you get your face out there, then you will have a higher chance of people remembering who you are and reaching out to you first.
P.S. Don’t forget to make some business cards to pass out when you go to networking events!
3. Stay up-to-date on your pricing research
Make sure you are knowledgeable of the current market when you talk to clients and be able to share important pricing information with them. If they see you as a trusted and informed resource, they will be much more willing to work with you.
Simple steps like this can really boost your chances of landing a listing!
4. Remember: Marketing is your friend
In today’s age of the internet and social media, it is easier than ever for potential clients to search you online. Therefore, make yourself available and use marketing tools to your advantage.
Whether it be your own website, a Facebook page, a Pinterest account, or an Instagram account, you want clients to be able to connect with you. Share your credentials, and even get reviews and recommendations to future clients!
Through digital marketing platforms like social media, you can build a following and secure lasting relationships with both new leads and current or previous clients.
5. Follow-Ups and Call Backs
Remember the basics! Follow up with phone calls or emails to keep in touch with your clients and let them know you are interested and eager to help them out.
This is called lead nurturing, and it is a vital step for any professional to make!
6. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best
The real estate market is not always a walk in the park. Sometimes deals will fall through and your clients will have to go with Plan B or C. You might have to deliver bad news at times, but remember that this is all part of the job.
Here’s the good news: Before unfortunate circumstances arise, you and your clients can secure assets in an escrow account. That way, if a closing does fall through, then you can shake it off and move forward in a better way.
Think about it: if you are able to keep you and your clients’ assets safe, you will only build credibility for yourself and your personal brand. Then, people will have a higher chance of giving you positive reviews and recommendations. Over time, you could see an increase in successful listings!
Reach Out to New Venture Escrow for Your Next Steps
If you want to take your real estate skills to the next level, check out our expert blog for more insider advice. From escrow expertise to everyday real estate research, boost your understanding as a realtor and take your business to the top.
Or, contact us to get connected with an expert escrow agent and learn how to protect your assets when you buy and sell homes!