VentureTrac Mobile Escrow Experience
Net Sheets
- Offer instant value to your client by creating a Seller Net Sheet in seconds.
- Send instantly via SMS or Email right from the app.
- Save & store all of your previously created Net Sheets in one convenient location!
Manage Your Contacts
- Track your escrow progress from any Android or Apple device in real time.
- Review your listings on your mobile or tablet.
- Use VentureTrac as an accessory when explaining the escrow process to buyers and sellers
- Keep track of important deadlines
Access Your
- All your important documents located at the touch of a button
- Go over your commission instructions anytime
- Easy-access to your Grant Deed
Manage Your Tasks
- Easily view and get info for all contacts involved in your transaction
- Store contacts in one easy to access location
- Call and email direct from the app!