Meet the Team

Leading the Way for Your Escrow Service

New Venture Escrow is changing escrow with mobile technology & mastery level experience. Our team genuinely cares about your well-being. We work tirelessly to build relationships with agents, buyers, and sellers using a personal touch!

We are obsessed with one goal, and one goal only. We want to make the escrow process faster, easier, and more transparent for real estate agents, buyers, and sellers.

Escrow has largely been done the same way for far too long. It’s time that we bring it up to current and make the process less stressful and more convenient for the benefit of our clients. We take transparency seriously and offer all of our pricing info on our website.

We hope that you know that who you choose to represent the escrow portion of your transaction makes a difference! We look forward to meeting you!

Our Core Values for Your Escrow Experience


Minimizing buyer/seller
confusion and frustration


Creating a faster escrow process so more time is spent on the important things


Safeguarding clients from seller risks and liabilities


Pioneering the future of escrow with paperless contracts, e-signatures and our VentureTrac app